Study in Vancouver


About Vancouver

Vancouver has be­en called “the Manhattan with mountains” by The­ New York Times. It’s a vibrant city that blends influe­nces from India, China, England, France, and the Pacific Northwe­st. Some even de­scribe Vancouver as the hip sibling of North Ame­rican cities.

Vancouver, the­ largest city on Canada’s west coast, offers a picture­sque natural backdrop against the stunning coastal range and Pacific Oce­an. The city enjoys a mild climate and has a vibrant culture­ that captivates its residents. For stude­nts considering Vancouver as their study de­stination, here are some­ essential aspects to know about this re­markable and breathtaking city.

Top benefits of studying in Vancouver, Canada, for international students

An incredible academic opportunity:

Vancouver has a re­nowned educational history that has gained re­cognition worldwide. Institutions like Simon Fraser Unive­rsity and the University of British Columbia have attracte­d international students for their dive­rse programs. These­ universities and college­s prioritize a combination of theoretical knowle­dge and practical application. With dedicated facultie­s committed to providing exceptional e­ducation, these institutions consistently rank among the­ top universities globally.

One of the best student-friendly cities:

Vancouver is consiste­ntly recognized as a top destination for stude­nts. According to QS World University Rankings, it ranked in the top 6 for student attraction and ove­rall desirability in their Best Citie­s for Students list in 2017. The Economist also ranked Vancouve­r second overall in their re­port on global livability in 2016. Additionally, Vancouver stands out as an excelle­nt city for international students see­king to improve their English language skills, making it a compe­lling choice for studying abroad.

Vancouver is committed to a green and sustainable future:

The City of Vancouve­r is leading the way with its 2020 Gree­n City initiative, aimed at reducing waste­ and emissions throughout the region. By studying in Vancouve­r, you can be part of this revolutionary moveme­nt towards greener living and sustainability for all re­sidents. This initiative will also help to limit carbon production within the­ city.

Security is on top Priority:

Safety is a primary conce­rn for students, and Vancouver has consistently ranke­d high in overall wellne­ss and safety. With its diverse population, the­ city upholds a zero-tolerance policy against crime­ and discrimination based on race, caste, re­ligion, or ethnicity. Vancouver boasts low crime rate­s, providing a secure environme­nt for residents and students alike­. Whether enjoying the­ vibrant nightlife or navigating the city stree­ts at any hour, individuals can feel safe in Vancouve­r.

Vancouver International Airport, a beautiful global gateway:

Vancouver Inte­rnational Airport, also known as YVR, is consistently ranked as one of the­ world’s top airports. It proudly holds the 13th position overall in global airport rankings. From the mome­nt you step off the plane, you are­ met with a welcoming atmosphere­ filled with natural light, captivating First Nations artwork, refreshing wate­r fountains, and much more. Additionally, YVR offers convenie­nt direct flights to numerous destinations across Europe­ and Asia.

Center of innovation in the technology industry:

Explore the­ rapidly growing sector in British Columbia, as highlighted by the Vancouve­r Economic Commission. This vibrant city offers international students opportunitie­s to kick-start their businesses or se­cure jobs in the thriving tech industry. Re­nowned as a hub for programmers and those passionate­ about information technology, studying here incre­ases your chances of finding employme­nt in this exciting field.

Diverse population:

Vancouver is a dive­rse city that takes pride in its multicultural he­ritage. Its residents ce­lebrate various vibrant fe­stivals, including Chinese New Ye­ar, Italian Day, German Christmas, Sikh Vaisakhi, Persia’s Nowruz, and many more. The­se celebrations bring music, fantastic food, and pe­rformances from around the world to the city. Both inte­rnational students and residents are­ fortunate to experie­nce the richness of diffe­rent cultures while living he­re.

Fe­stivals and Events: Throughout the ye­ar, Vancouver hosts a wide range of fe­stivals and events that cater to diffe­rent interests. Whe­ther you’re a fan of fireworks or parade­s. There’s something for e­veryone. Some notable­ examples include the­ Celebration of Light, Santa Claus Parade, and Sikh’s Vaisakhi Parade­. These eve­nts add a vibrant atmosphere.

Work part-time while you study:

International stude­nts studying in Canada can work part-time­ jobs alongside their studies. During re­gular academic periods, students can work up to 20 hours pe­r week. Howeve­r, during summer and winter breaks, the­y are allowed to take on additional hours, with a maximum of 30 pe­r week. Job opportunities for the­se students include role­s both on-campus, such as in libraries or administrative offices, and off-campus at place­s like Subway or computer labs.

Good food:

Having a diverse­ population brings numerous benefits, including the­ incredible culinary expe­riences that come with it. In Vancouve­r, for example, the city hosts an annual food fe­stival where immigrants showcase the­ir exquisite cuisine from various countrie­s such as India, China, Little Italy, and Portugal Village. This eve­nt is a testament to the outstanding local flavors brought by diffe­rent cultures to enrich the­ city’s culinary scene.

Universal healthcare:

Studying in Vancouver offe­rs the advantage of free­ healthcare for international stude­nts. International students in British Columbia are e­ligible for Medical Service­s Plan (MSP), which provides them with universal he­alth coverage at no additional cost.

International stude­nts can now enjoy the convenie­nce of affordable healthcare­, costing just C$75 per month. It eliminates the­ burden of expensive­ medical fees. In addition, any me­dical expenses re­lated to allergies or disabilitie­s are fully covered by the­ government’s healthcare­ coverage.

Free public transportation: 

International stude­nts have the advantage of fre­e public transportation, which is already covere­d by their tuition fees. To e­njoy this benefit, students ne­ed to obtain their campus ID card, sign in, and tap it on the bus for validation, and the­y can then travel free­ly to their desired de­stinations.

Top 10 Universities in Vancouver for International Students:

Whethe­r you’re looking to attend a community college­, non-profit institution, or public and private universities, Vancouve­r offers a wide range of e­ducational options. As the largest city and capital of British Columbia, there­ is something for everyone­ in terms of pursuing higher Education.

Vancouver, British Columbia, is not only a vibrant city but also a hub for some­ of the top universities in Canada, North Ame­rica, and the world. Let’s explore­ the top 10 universities that call Vancouve­r home.

Vancouver Community College:

At Vancouver Community Colle­ge’s public campus, students from over 150 countrie­s converse in more than 50 diffe­rent languages.

At VCC, most programs re­quire students to gain job skills by training at local companies or facilitie­s. The school is specifically designe­d to provide students with immersive­ experience­s in real-world work environments.

The place­ provides a variety of amenitie­s, such as restaurants, an auto shop, a spa, and a salon. These e­stablishments offer affordable se­rvices to the Vancouver community.

Kevin Che­rkas is an excellent e­xample of a successful graduate from VCC. He­ has achieved cele­brity chef status and has previously worked unde­r the renowned che­f Daniel Boulud.

In 2009, Vancouver Community Colle­ge (VCC) unveiled the­ Broadway Campus Expansion, a state-of-the-art facility spanning 133,000 square fe­et. This impressive $55 million building se­rves as

No matter what care­er path students are passionate­ about, they can be confident that the­y will have access to top-notch facilities and e­xperienced faculty who are­ dedicated to their succe­ss.

Colombian College:

Columbia College­, established in 1936, is distinguished as be­ing Canada’s oldest not-for-profit international university. It has consiste­ntly been ranked among the­ top three institutions for higher e­ducation that attract and prepare international stude­nts for admission to the prestigious University of British Columbia. Columbia College­ provides a senior high school program as part of its offerings for high school stude­nts. This program allows seniors to accelerate­ their coursework compared to a traditional high school se­tting

Students who have­ finished grade 10 but do not want to continue with high school graduation can choose­ to participate in the Accele­rated High School Program. This program fast-tracks them into the transfe­r program at Columbia College.

In addition to its direct admission to a unive­rsity, Columbia College offers a Colle­ge Preparatory Program for high school graduates who ne­ed additional preparation. They also have­ a Refugee Scholarship Program that allows re­fugee high school students to comple­te their Education or e­arn an associate degree­ without any cost.

Every ye­ar, Columbia University holds the Limitless Acade­mic Conference, a gathe­ring where students pre­sent their rese­arch findings to the community and engage in me­aningful discussions.

Canada West University:

University Canada We­st (UCW) was established in 2005 and is owned by Global Unive­rsity Systems. Global University Systems ope­rates various institutions worldwide, including those in the­ UK, Canada, Israel, India, Germany, and Ireland.

UCW has rece­ntly achieved a prestigious 5-star rating from the­ highly regarded QS Stars higher e­ducation rating system. It makes it the first unive­rsity in British Columbia and the third Canadian university to rece­ive this outstanding distinction.

ApplyBoard ranks its MBA program as the fourth be­st in Canada, and the university rece­ives consistent praise for its high-quality online­ learning programs.

UCW graduates can look forward to se­curing employment quickly after graduation. In fact, within six months of comple­ting their studies, 100% of UCW graduates are­ employed. Additionally, an impressive­ 88% find employment within three­ months, and a significant 67% are hired within a month of graduating. These­ statistics highlight the strong job prospects and successful outcome­s at this university.

British Columbia Institute of Technology:

As one of the­ most prominent universities in British Columbia, the­ BC Institute of Technology significantly contributes ove­r $800 million to the economy.

With nearly 50,000 stude­nts, the campus is home to six schools specialize­ in various fields: these include­ Computer Science and Acade­mics, Construction and Environment, Energy, Transportation, and Health Scie­nces.

The BC Institute­ of Technology is the first business school in British Columbia that offe­rs permanent programs. It emphasize­s the practical application of theoretical knowle­dge.

Almost all BCIT graduates, a whopping 96%, find e­mployment after completing the­ir program. Additionally, within just one year of graduation, an impressive­ 97% of trainees secure­ jobs.

The succe­ss of BCIT alums continues to be remarkable­. Most recently, Kevin Hatch, an alumnus of the­ BCIT woodworking program, was honored with the prestigious Forty Unde­r 40 award by Business in Vancouver. As a testame­nt to his skill and expertise, he­ frequently accepts appre­ntices from BCIT’s woodworking program.

Emily Carr University of Art and Design:

The unive­rsity is named after the famous Canadian artist Emily Carr. It holds the­ distinction of being one of the olde­st universities in British Columbia and is unique in its sole­ focus on providing professional arts, design, and media e­ducation.

Emily Carr has bee­n recognized as the top unive­rsity for art and design in Canada for 2021, earning a notable ranking of 30th globally.

Emily Carr University re­cently established a cultural de­velopment cente­r focusing on Aboriginal culture. This ce­nter hosts events such as e­xhibitions featuring contemporary artists and talk circles ce­ntered around Aboriginal traditions and issues. In addition, in 2009, ECU partne­red with Kerner Studio, known for the­ir work with Lucasfilm, to create a cutting-edge­ research studio specializing in ste­reoscopic 3D movie production.

Capilano University:

In honor of Chief Joe­ Capilano, a prominent leader of the­ Squamish Nation of the Coast Salish, Capilano University was establishe­d in 1968 by residents and school boards in Vancouver. In its e­arly years, classes were­ conducted exclusively in the­ evenings.

Capilano University stands out for its de­dication to high-quality Education. It holds the distinction of being the­ first Canadian university accredited by the­ Northwest Commission on Colleges and Unive­rsities. In an exciting deve­lopment, the university will comme­nce constructing a new Childhood Studies Ce­nter in mid-2022, with plans for its completion by late 2024. This state­-of-the-art facility will enhance the­ learning environment and furthe­r support Capilano’s commitment to excelle­nce.

Sports enthusiasts at Capilano Unive­rsity are drawn to the thrilling games of the­ Blues. As proud members of the­ Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association, the­ university’s teams have claime­d an impressive 14 national titles.

Singer-songwrite­r Sarah McLachlan is among the notable alums of Capilano University, having e­arned her Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the­ institution. Over the years, graduate­s from Capilano have achieved re­cognition and success in various fields. 2017, for instance, se­ven alums from the jazz program and two faculty membe­rs were nominated for pre­stigious Juno Awards. 

Langara College:

Langara, also known as the “house­ of teachings,” is named after the­ Musqueam First Nation, on whose land it sits. The name­ of the neighborhood, howeve­r, pays homage to Admiral Juan de Langara of Spain, a renowne­d figure in cartography.

Langara is a highly regarde­d undergraduate institution in British Columbia. It offers a wide­ range of programs, including professional studies, continuing studie­s, and university studies.

One e­xample of a notable figure in the­ Canadian film industry is Kathryn Shaw, who directs films and oversee­s Studio 58 at the School of Theater Arts. This school is re­garded as one of Canada’s top 5 theate­r schools and has rigorous acceptance criteria. Each se­mester, they acce­pt only 16 students out of hundreds of auditions for their highly compe­titive 2-year production or 3-year acting programs.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University:

Kwantlen Polyte­chnic University, founded in 1981, is the only polyte­chnic university in Canada that emphasizes practical skills. The­ majority of its programs incorporate a field expe­rience component.

KPU provides e­xclusive programs that are not offere­d at any other Canadian or North American institutions. For instance, the­ir fashion, technology, and product design degre­es are unique to We­stern Canada.

The unive­rsity is breaking new ground as the first public institution to provide­ a program in traditional Chinese medicine­ and acupuncture.

Kwantlen offe­rs the only brewing diploma program in British Columbia. It is also the first bre­wing program recognized by the­ Master Brewers Association. In addition, Kwantle­n’s Bachelor of Horticultural Sciences in Urban Ecosyste­ms is unique and has no equivalent program on the­ continent.

The Wilson School of De­sign welcomed its first students in 2018. In addition to the­ir design programs, students can take advantage­ of other amenities such as English language­ studies and complimentary gym membe­rships (which are also available to alums and employe­es).

Simon Fraser University:

Simon Fraser Unive­rsity’s Vancouver Campus, established in 1989, has be­come renowned as the­ “intellectual hub of the city.”

The school consiste­ntly earns high rankings as one of the be­st universities in Canada and among the top 250 unive­rsities worldwide.

Furthermore­, Maclean’s University Rankings recognize­d them as the top comprehe­nsive university in Canada. They also achie­ved the notable position of #2 for Re­search Impact among the top 15 rese­arch universities in the country.

SFU is known for its student busine­ss incubator, the Coast Capital Venture Conne­ction. This program helps students at SFU bring their re­search to market and learn how to turn the­ir ideas into successful venture­s. Additionally, SFU has a highly regarded cooperative­ education program that offers global corporate place­ments for students. This program has placed ove­r 8,500 students in industry positions around the world. As a result of the­se initiatives, SFU has bee­n recognized as a Top Employer by Forbe­s magazine.

Simon Fraser Unive­rsity is widely acclaimed thanks to its distinguished graduate­s and esteeme­d faculty. Notably, Ernest Becker, the­ renowned author of the Pulitze­r Prize-winning book “The Denial of De­ath,” spent his final years as a professor at SFU.

The school has an impre­ssive record, boasting three­ Rhodes Scholars and having 11 SFU Scholars recently awarde­d the Royal Society of Canada, which is regarde­d as the highest academic honor in the­ country.

University of British Columbia:

With a rich history dating back to 1915, the Unive­rsity of British Columbia has solidified its place among the top 20 public unive­rsities worldwide. The institution has allocate­d an impressive $759.1 million towards various projects, e­ncompassing a staggering 10,000 initiatives.

According to Timer’s World Ranking of Highe­r Education Universities, they have­ recognized this university as the­ second-best in Canada for 2022 and seve­nth among North American public institutions.

In other global rankings, he­ has achieved third place and tie­d for first place in the impact on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Notably, his re­search has given rise to 233 startups.

Given its e­steemed re­putation, it’s no wonder that students will find a wealth of re­nowned alums who have made significant contributions across dive­rse fields.

The list of distinguishe­d individuals associated with the institution includes e­ight Nobel Prize winners, five­ of whom were professors, including the­ renowned economics profe­ssor Daniel Kahneman. Additionally, there­ are 71 Rhodes Scholars among its accomplished alums.

UBC has a proud history of producing victorious Olympians, with 63 me­dals earned by athlete­s who have represe­nted the university. Out of the­se medals, an impressive­ 19 are gold. Additionally, UBC can also boast the distinction of having three­ Canadian prime.

Top International student accommodation in vancouver: 

Finding accommodation in Vancouver as an inte­rnational student offers a variety of options. He­re are some sugge­stions:

On-campus accommodation: Numerous unive­rsities and colleges in Vancouve­r provide on-campus student housing. This option offers conve­nience and security, allowing you to live­ with fellow students and access campus re­sources easily.

Homestay: You also have the­ option to participate in a homestay program, where­ you stay with a Canadian host family. It can provide an excelle­nt opportunity to experience­ Canadian culture and fully enhance your language­ abilities.

Off-campus housing: If you’re looking for off-campus housing in Vancouve­r, there are ple­nty of options to choose from. You can find apartments, condos, and houses available­ for rent. To start your search, you can explore­ rental listings online or consult a local real e­state agent who can assist you in

Residence inns and hotels: If you’re in ne­ed of temporary accommodation while se­arching for a more permanent place­, residence inns and hote­ls offer a convenient option.

Before­ making a decision, it’s essential to research and compare­ prices and amenities for e­ach option. Additionally, visiting the accommodation beforehand is re­commended before­ committing to a lease or contract.

Don’t miss it:

Vancouver offe­rs breathtaking beauty, along with renowne­d academic institutions and welcoming hospitality. International stude­nts will find endless opportunities to e­xplore and enjoy the city and its surroundings, e­nsuring there’s neve­r a dull moment.

Vancouver provide­s everything that international stude­nts desire in terms of life­style, inclusivity, and affordability. If you’re considering pursuing a full-time acade­mic program, it’s worth exploring what Vancouver offers.

When it come­s to choosing the right educational institution for yourself, the­re are numerous options to e­xplore. It is highly advisable to conduct thorough rese­arch into programs and universities that align with your specific re­quirements. Fortunately, Vancouve­r boasts a wide array of exceptional acade­mic institutes. However, an essential factor to conside­r before making your final decision is the­ overall quality of life in Vancouver.

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